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  教员 注册编号为:J18322      
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 英语        等级:精通
 教育经历 2006年7月——2009年02月 奥克兰理工大学就读日英双语 2009年3月——2010年02月 日本弘前大学作为交换生 学习语言,体验日本文化一年 2010年3月——2010年12月 奥克兰理工大学就读日英双语 能 力 英 语: 优 秀 日 语: 良 好 广 东 话: 良 好 计算机水平: 熟悉Windows操作系统 能熟练操作office办公软件 工作实践经历 2007年——2009年 新西兰 日语及中文家教 2010月6月-8月 西安实习 西安翻译学院 协助招生 给国外来西安翻译学院的代表做口译 求职意向 与日、英双语相关的翻译、口语教师、教师助理、人力资源、文秘、行政助理等相关文职工作 个人评价 本人诚信、细心、勤奋、务实、开朗,具备较强的语言基础,适应能力和团体协作能力强,富有责任感和正义感,热爱集体,热心公益事业,能恪守服从集体利益、以大局为重的原则。 24/4/2011 Dear Sir/Madam, I have been studying in New Zealand for 4 years and majoring in Japanese at AUT. With the language skills I gained in this individualistic society and Japan which is such a collectivist society, I am able to deal with people from different cultural backgrounds. I would like to expand my language ability and knowledge in the NZ work environment. I believe I have excellent communication and administration skills and now am very keen to find a role to utilize this experience. I am a very hard working person who is extremely reliable and would very much like the opportunity to be considered for any such roles you deem appropriate. I consider myself a considerate and articulate person who always pays attention to detail. I am also very friendly to others and have excellent service related skills and a keen ability with computer related products and services. I look forward to hearing from you in regard to any positions you may have that are suitable for me. Kind regards Anny Yang Career Objective Summary Profile Bachelor of Arts in Japanese at Auckland University of Technology Exchange Studies at Hirosaki University in Aomori, Japan Employment background in Customer Service, Retail Sales, Reception Fluent communicator in English, Mandarin, Cantonese and Japanese Experienced and skilled at greeting customers and establishing rapport Patient and understanding with people from many different cultures and age ranges Warm, friendly person with a positive team orientation Attentive to detail and keen to learn Education Record Bachelor of Arts in Japanese Content Auckland University of Technology Japanese1---5 Auckland, New Zealand Kanji 1----4 2008----current International culture competence Academic writing for special purposes I-reflect I-research I-communication Hirosaki University Exchange Program Content Hirosaki University Japanese for Reading; Speaking; Writing Aomori prefecture Japan Japanese Traditional Sports Apr 2009----Feb 2010 Japanese Culture Japanese Society Regional Japan General Subject International exchange Individual Research Work experience Louis Manufactory LTD Salesman 2006 Shenzhen Sale mobile refrigerator in department Store China India Curry Restaurant Waitress 2009 (May—June). Hirosaki, Aomori prefecture Cashier, take an order. Japan Xi’an Fanyi College Co-operative practical experience 2010 (June-August) Xi’an, Shanxi province Recruiting new students among high school graduates. Interpreter work was involved in the cooperative work between Xi’an Fanyi College and other overseas Universities by assisting other Universities’ supervisors or representatives in introducing their school/course information to our recruiting place and vice versa. Interests/Hobbies Sports: Outdoor Activities, Swimming, Badminton Movies Travel Enjoying teaching language to others Referees Employment Louis Manager Shenzhen China Ph:00852-24780781 Thanks very much for your time and consideration. 2008年ニュージーランドに行って、英語を勉強してからAUTという学校で日本語を勉強しに通いました。私は言語を学習するための最も効率的な方法は、日本の文化や生活に浸(ひた)って勉強することだと思いました、そして日本へ行く言は心の中にいつまでも私の夢でした.2009年の時交換留学生として日本の弘前大学で一年間日本語を勉強したり日本の伝統的な文化を体験したりしました。 日本文化の特徴は尊重や名誉を尊敬する文化です、私も日本にいる間に日本の団結文化を勉強しました。 貴社で働く機会を与えることを楽しみに待っています。
订单号 年级科目 状态
编号 可教授科目 所在高校 资历
JY7544 高中语文、初中英语、小学英 广西外国语学院 本科
JY13837 高中全科、初中全科、 广西大学 硕士
JY39044 小学全科、小学数学、小学英 合肥工业大学 本科
JY29453 高中化学、 广西大学 硕士
JY8654 高中语文、高中英语、 西大 本科